Saturday, 2 August 2014

Community Resources/Suggestions

Interested in doing a Heritage Fair at your school? Here are some reccomendations from the group.

1. Start early! This should be a project that everyone enjoys, not one that is rushed to start and finish. The meaning is not just in the final product, but in the medium as well.
2. Use SFAL organizers for yourself and your colleagues to keep everyone accountable and on-task. There would be nothing worse than the teachers not keeping up the pace on this kind of project!
3. Consider having your fair towards the end of the year, as a way to get students excited about Folklorama!
4. Invite the media/community members to attend your fair.
5. Document it! Have student photographers responsible for taking lots and lots of pictures!
6. Look to community resources/cultural centres/the internet for ideas on how to make your Heritage Fair the best that it can be! We've put in a couple of links below, but there are approximately 1 billion more out there. Happy Heritage-ing!


Community Centres in Winnipeg

Cultural Centres in Winnipeg

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