Monday, 4 August 2014

Debates in Social Studies


I teach Social Studies and I always question whether it's useful to teach my students how to properly debate. Any thoughts?

Debating Debates

Debating is a tough skill to teach, D-squared. Maybe this post that Myriam wrote will help clarify.

It did not take long for me to realize that my grade nines stuggled with debating. They were interested in sharing their opinions and expressing themselves, but I learned quickly that debating is a real skill that is not taught at all or enough in schools.

In my first year, I tried to hold a debate with my students, and it ended up a little like this...

Clearly they needed practice. Rather than giving up, I decided to incorporate debating into my classroom as part of our Social Studies class. Some of the topics we debated are:
  1. Is Canada really a multicultural society
  2. Is it important to support local markets?
  3. Does Canada have a culture?
It takes some time to teach students how to debate. I spent some time in my French course teaching them the basics of debating, in terms of the structure and process, and then used the debates as formative assessment of the topics discussed in Social Studies.

I came across a debating rubric and worksheet in the grade 10 Social Studies resources, but I think this is something that could be adapted to any grade. Debating would certainly help with students' writing when they are working on persuasive essays and learning how to argue points.  

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